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“Little Lambs is an organization who delivers Comfort Kits to our Ogden DCFS office frequently. We use these kits when children are removed from their homes during a crisis or exigent circumstances. Often times when these removals occur, the child or children are taken with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The Little Lambs Comfort Kits are separated into age group and provide a number of items that include things such as; a warm blanket, clean socks, a snack, coloring books, diapers, toiletries, stuffed animals, and a toy. We consider Comfort Kits a life saver and a great help for our caseworkers in being able to provide a snack to a child who maybe hasn’t eaten for several hours, or a warm blanket for a child who may have been removed from a house with no heat. Comfort Kits not only provide comfort for the child in need, they help the caseworkers establish trust with these children. Providing these things for a child may seem like a small thing, but it instills a message to these children during a vulnerable time that they are safe and that they matter. Little Lambs is an amazing organization to work with. Ted calls us on a monthly basis to check in and see what things we are in need of. Recently our diaper stock had been diminished. When Little Lambs found out they brought us a huge donation of diapers that filled up and re-stocked our donation room. They have been a huge help to the Division. The wonderful thing about Little Lamb Foundation is when they see a need and they fill a need.”  –DCFS Senior Assistant Caseworker

“Throughout the year Little Lambs Foundation for Kids brings backpacks filled with clothes, hygiene items, toys/art supplies, snacks and blankets each with a different target age from 0-18 years old. As our programs grow, Little Lambs Foundation for Kids strives to increase their support and donations to ensure that we can provide every child with the best care possible. These donations make it possible for us to give new necessity items and comfort items to youth in need when they enter one of our programs. Our programs would not be possible without the generous support from our community and organizations like Little Lambs Foundation for Kids.” –SLC Youth Services

“Oh my goodness, what can you not say about this amazing foundation? They are just so amazing! I think one major impact that they have that we don’t always think about is the awareness that they bring to the community and how they help bring everyone together in the fight for child welfare. They reach out to other agencies and organization and are completely supported by local donations, which is just inspiring. As they reach out for community support, they help make people aware of the existence of child abuse and neglect and the need for helping that our community, and the entire state, has.  They also help us build more positive relationship with our clients, because when we are able to bring them those donations, they start to realize that we really are there to help them to want to accept our services. And lastly, these children have so little, and they love to get new things that they can claim as their own! They light up every time we handout one of those backpacks, or just a hygiene kit! That's one of my favorite parts of the job–being able to give to these children who aren't use to having anything.” –Foster Care Caseworker

© 2021 by Little Lambs Foundation for Kids

Little Lambs Foundation for Kids

1125 West 400 North Suite 200

Logan, UT 84321





  Office & Donation Drop Off Hours: 

Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 2:00pm

Thursday: 4:00pm - 7:00pm


Diaper Bank Hours: 

Tuesday & Wednesday: 10:00am - 1:00pm

Thursday: 4:00pm - 7:00pm

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